May 5, 2010

Managing big data sets with MySQL

I'm currently working on a database which stores, literally, a million of new data registers every day. They come from several hundred weather stations spread along the world, and need…


February 25, 2009

Creating Triggers in MySQL from PHP

On my last project, I needed to create tables periodically on a database, to partition data in several identical tables, named according to the year quarter. Instead of using MySQL…


February 9, 2009

Avoid deletions with triggers and MySQL

Some times, we store valuable data that we would never want to lose. This is a particular fact when working with data for scientific, statistical purposes, like environmental analysis. In…


May 24, 2007

PHP class dbhandler to deal with databases

Notice: Article only available in Spanish! Hemos visto en publicaciones anteriores cómo conectar a una base de datos mysql desde php, y cómo usar la función mysql_query para consultar datos.…


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