It’s not code all that glitters… Not all those who code are just programmers.

Jorge Albaladejo Pomares

As a wannabe polymath, I enjoy giving free rein to my creativity in domains other than software engineering and code programming. Here’s a summary of some of my most recent and craziest adventures.

Copernicus Brewing Company

Craft beer from the stars, for the astronomy lovers.

Copernicus Brewing Company craft beer catalog

It all began, as many things do, with a personal hobby. I love beer and brewing at home is one of my many favorite activities for my leisure time. What initially started as a personal experiment at my home lab, quickly evolved into its very own commercial brand!

Find out more here:


Writing code is pretty much like writing a book: you start with an idea, lay out a plan, then break it down into chapters and finally get down into the nitty-gritty details. Add in a layer of emotion on top of a more technical and theoretical foundation, and you’ll get a genuine experience users will love!

My books are not technical at all, but related to more philosophical and psychological aspects of our human lives. They are only available in Spanish for now.

"Reflexiones lentas", a Spanish book about emotional philosophy.

More details on my writer’s page:

MalaLeche (“bad temper” in Spanish) is a satirical web comic with a high dose of cynicism an social criticism. Available only in Spanish for now.

Web comic from

Currently available in Spanish: