College Decision Maker: Mobile app to guide students through the college application process

Keywords: React, Material UI, CSS3 (LESS), Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Docker, AWS, Cypress

Moneythink is a San Francisco based NGO whose purpose is to help students by providing big solutions to the interrelated challenges of affordability, student graduation, and debt.

In collaboration with the CauseLabs digital agency, they decided to implement a new tool to help students navigate the process of choosing a college college based on their GPA and the colleges’ affordability and getting the paperwork ready for their application.


College Decision Maker is a suite of mobile and web applications to guide youth students through the whole college application process: comparing colleges, applying for awards and creating financial plans that analyze the college affordability for the student.

As a full-stack engineer, I helped lead the revamping of this mobile web application to adapt to the new designs and requirements by Moneythink. The app was built primarily with React, Material UI, ES6, CSS3 (LESS) and HTML5 on the front-end, and Rails, RSpec and PostgreSQL on a dockerized deployment on AWS Elastic Beanstalk on the back-end.

My participation on this project included assisting the decision making team with engineering advice, debugging the production platform, maintaining servers and designing and writing a fully automated test battery with Cypress.

This app has currently evolved into DecidED.