February 22, 2022 Comodoro 1.3.0 released! New version 1.3.0 of Comodoro App released today, featuring new context menus with additional handy functions, and an enhanced support for batch actions over tasks and cards. Card batch actions… READ MORE
May 22, 2011 Engineering principles for web applications Since I work as a web developer, I have noticed that basic engineering principles are not always being consistently applied to web applications design, architecture and development. I am talking… READ MORE
April 3, 2011 Why iframes in rich web applications are evil I write this post claiming to heavens that you (as a web developer figuring out whether to use or not iframes) will read and follow my advice. Not only for… READ MORE
October 31, 2010 Choosing a PHP MVC Framework: Yii Vs. Kohana Vs. Home made MVC Choosing a framework is never an easy task, there are many aspects to consider, the three most important ones are, from my point of view: Available features and community extensions.… READ MORE